These luxury beachside apartments are beautifully landscaped both inside and out. The combination of exotics and hardy natives provides an attractive, waterwise garden overall, with special areas in which the residents can live and enjoy their surroundings.
Road verges have been planted with coastal tolerant native grasses and ground covers, providing the first impact as one enters the building. Once inside, there are more areas that can be enjoyed and utilised. Sleek and stylish greys and creams have been used throughout the site, with contrasting plants and trees to create maximum visual impact.
The pool area and surrounds have been planted with strap leaved plants, Cycads and fragrant Magnolias, contrasting against the white quartz used as a mulch to dramatic effect. Dark burgundy Coastal Peppermints have been used below the pool area, and these trees look stunning against the cream rendered walls, raised planters and the brilliant blue walls of the apartments.
Stainless steel and glass are used extensively throughout the site, providing viewing of the landscaping from many vantage points. This is exemplified in the outdoor private courtyards. 3 Large white low planters containing cycads with white quartz mulch, on a bed of black volcanic rocks, set in a rectangular area in the centre of the courtyards, edged with dark grey pavers, provide the focus point of these outdoor areas.
The glass allows for the beautiful ocean to be viewed uninterrupted, and the natural rock clad walls which extend partway out along the adjoining courtyard provide privacy for residents, whilst still evoking a feeling of space, light and freedom. Raised planters containing Yukkas, grasses and ground covers add to the bordering effect between these areas without one feeling closed in.
Indoor gardens, and others smaller gardens of lush, leafy, architectural plants set into raised planters, tiled in natural warm hues, provide freshness and colour to the interior. Overall, a striking, colourful and elegant effect, enhancing the lives of the inhabitants, and evoking a feeling of space and freshness.