Situated along the northern gateway into the historic port city of Fremantle, DHA’s Liv Apartments project has transformed a run-down former car yard site into an attractive and sustainably minded urban landscape built within a modern, mixed use development, adding diversity and character to the local area.
HASSELL’s sustainably driven landscape design incorporates array of landscaped courtyards and public open spaces. The central landscaped corridor is accessible for all residents within Liv Apartments. The podium area in the private communal area will be used for hosting communal BBQs and other resident gatherings.
In the northern section of the communal garden Deep Green has built and established an edible garden for the residents to use and cultivate for themselves. This will provide locally sourced food but also a communal activity for the residents within Liv Apartments.
The new landscaping that has been installed is classed as native or xeriscape. This means that the landscaping will require minimal irrigation and hence a reduced water consumption. The design and implementation process by Deep Green ensured the irrigation system was true to this cause.
A challenging aspect during the construction of the project was that all soft and hard landscape materials needed to be craned into position onto the central and rooftop podiums. This was made more difficult due to working on an operational public street while ensuring all stakeholders where not disrupted throughout the works.
Again like with many of Deep Green’s projects a lot of time was invested at the procurement stage, ensuring the soil medium was suitable for the application and purpose. The soil medium installed throughout all of the podium and ground floor garden beds was our specially designed “Deep Green Blended Topsoil”.
This tried and tested soil has proven to be a great all-rounder for raised garden beds providing a lightweight, free draining balanced soil. Deep Green’s Blended Topsoil has a saturated bulk density 1.7t per cubic meter of soil.
The soil medium chosen for extensive green roof was the “Deep Green Intensive Green Roof Mix”. The function of this soil is to provide a very lightweight, non-hydrophobic low organic content media that is stable over time. It has excellent capillary properties for dripline irrigation and is suitable for a wide range of native plant species. Deep Green’s Intensive Green Roof Mix has a saturated bulk density 1.2t per cubic meter of soil.
The Hassell-designed and Deep Green constructed landscape is an example of what benefits an outdoor greenspace can bring to an urban development and its residents.

Innovative Green Infrastructure


Parks and
Open Spaces

Landscape of theYear

Design & Construct over $1M

Design & Construct up to $150k

Best Artistic Feature

Commercial Overall Winner