Landscaping A Better Future
Deep Green Landscaping supports a range of worthwhile community and charity projects, spanning childhood development; opportunities for the disabled, refugee assistance and the arts.
It’s inspiring to connect with some of the dedicated, hard working people out there, who are accomplishing great things, and excelling at the core values we aspire to….
- Bold visions put into practice
- Innovative solutions to complex problems
- Foundations laid for fertile growth
Please read on and find out more about some of the incredible ventures we’ve been privileged to be involved in.
Robbie’s Garden
Robbie Buchan is an extremely courageous young man. Having contracted Meningococcal disease as a baby, Robbie’s mum and dad, Desiree and Iain were told to prepare for the worst.
However, Robbie has fought long and hard, refusing to give up.
Youth Futures, Perth – 2016
At the end of 2016 Deep Green spent a day helping out the Youth Futures team by revamping the landscaping to one of their Transitional Accommodation properties for 16 -21 year olds.
Youth Futures have supported over 4,600 disadvantaged and disengaged young people through a variety of homelessness, education and support programs. They got in touch with us and explained all the wonderful things they do to support these young people and guide them back into the community by helping them develop the skills they need to live independently.
We jumped at the chance to get involved with this charity and conducted a massive clean up of the existing lawn and garden areas, installed fresh mulch to the garden beds and demolished a section of wall so the area could be utilized better by the residents.
Deep Green would like to make special mention to Eclipse Soils for their kind donation of the Mulch for this project.

YKPA Orphanage & School, Denpasar, Bali – Ongoing
The YKPA organization provides a full time home to 24 children and support services, including medical and educational assistance, to over 70 street children, disadvantaged or at serious risk of abuse.
This is an ongoing concern for Deep Green. Bali is a destination deep in our hearts, and has provided members of our team with well needed respite over the years, not to mention inspiration. We’ve learnt a lot from our esteemed neighbours, about gardens and aesthetics.
It has been an honour and a privilege to support the wonderful work of the YKPA Organisation.
Over the years Deep Green have donated clothes, books, personal items, cleaning items, toys, mosquito nets, fans, bedding and money to the school which works so hard to improve the lives and the futures of some of Denpasar’s most at risk children. We love YKPA’s creative and innovative approach. They even run classes at the beach where the children working on the street can sneak off to in order to broaden their prospects and, where necessary, access urgent medical attention. 2 little girls needed leg amputations. The school funded the operations.
The resilience and the spirit of the children bowled over DG team members who visited the school last year.

First Home Project for refugees, Perth – 2012
A unique project, offering accessible rental accommodation and support services to Australia’s newest residents.
Jarrod and Terresa Lee committed to sharing their first home with two, new Australian families.
Refugees granted permanent residency still face many challenges including no Australian rental references, unemployment and lack of knowledge of the laws around renting property.
The aim of this project is to provide functional and emotional support for these, and other barriers to social and cultural integration.
Banks refused the couple’s home loan application as it didn’t fit into the required boxes. But thinking outside the box, and creative solutions to complex problems, are what Deep Green Landscaping likes to see.
Jarrod and Terresa Lee went on to raise a $600,000 community mortgage gained through ‘crowd sourcing’.
Incredibly, this target total was reached in only two weeks. Donators and community lenders were inspired to support the couple’s initiative to create a home they could share with three refugee families.
Back when this exciting enterprise was still generating funding to procure its residence, Deep Green pledged plants, soil, mulch and labour to help with the much needed property renovation.
As the project continued, Deep Green assisted with the landscaping and driveway.
We look forward to participating in the renovation of the Maylands First Home Project, and to welcoming some New Australians to Perth, with a garden to flourish in.
Watch the ABC’s Compass program on the First Home Project.
WA Ballet Headquarters, Perth 2011
A centre with 3 dance studios, for rehearsals and auditions, a ballet school, gym, costume workshops, and office space, the HQ is vital to the training, performance and touring programs of the State’s flagship ballet company.
We believe that a healthy arts sector in WA is of benefit to the state as a whole.
The sector is reliant on cash and in-kind support from WA residents and industries, and we were very proud to do our bit
We donated to this project, plus provided complete landscaping services at cost price, and have donated ongoing maintenance services.
Kids Are Kids, Therapy and Education Centre, Bateman, Perth -2010
A centre for the educational and therapeutic needs of children with disabilities.
In 2010 the DG team donated design expertise, plant procurement, soils and irrigation, to beautify the centre gardens and its surrounds.
Collaborating with clients to create their dream garden is an important aspect to landscaping, and one of the things that really impressed us about this organisation is the way they work so closely with the family’s of the children to help reach the personal objectives of each child.
Lady Lawley Cottage, Respite Centre, Cottesloe, Perth -2009
A Residential Respite Centre, providing out-of-area respite from hospital stay, and family support respite services, for children with physical or intellectual disabilities.
In 2009 Deep Green donated plants, mulch, soils, design expertise and labour to help this wonderful organisation create a colourful and healing environment for their extensive program of activities for children with complex special needs.
We’re all beach lovers here at DG and we think that a respite program of activity and residence at a prime beach side location is a wonderful gift to these courageous children and their very hard working families.